Analysis Of The Cause And Effect Of School Violence

Violence in Schools (essay)

School violence has a wide-ranging impact on students, educators, and the greater community. The purpose of the essay is to examine the causes of violent behavior in school, and the effects of violence on society and individuals. It is vital to tackle the root cause of school violence to ensure a supportive and safe learning environment for students.

School violence is caused by a variety of factors. Although school violence occurs all over the world, few people are aware of its roots. The main factors that cause school violence can be divided into subjective factors and objective factors.

Firstly, factors subjective to knowledge and character. Drugs and alcohol abuse can cause teens to behave badly. Illegal substances can have a negative effect on the brain. These substances can cause consumers to act in an uncontrollable and unreasonable manner. They are also easily enraged when they see someone else. When students are still attending school, they can become violent if they use drugs or drink alcohol. Lack of knowledge can also cause bullying to be viewed in a wrong light. They tend to be rude and impolite in their mannerisms. Delinquent behavior is also common among people with low education levels. They are not familiar with laws. A person’s personality can also be a reason for a group or individual to attack another. Personal characteristics can influence their behavior in many situations. A lack of communication and confidence can cause a person to feel isolated from their friends. To attract attention, students often make noise or use violence. It only makes them look bad to others.

Second, bullying is influenced by the school environment. Families play an important part in the lives of people. In the modern world, parents spend less time caring for their children and more on their careers. Teenagers are not able to learn soft skills from their families and they feel lonely. In addition, children tend to mimic what they see. If they are raised in a violent community or family they will be influenced. This problem will eventually lead to violence in schools. Violence media can also pose a risk. Children who watch violent television or games for long periods of time are influenced by them. The characters from games and television shows are attractive to them, so they imitate these characters. Researchers have found that children watch television for an average of 28 hours a week. This includes 812 violent actors in TV shows and 20 violent cartoons every hour. This causes children to be physically aggressive in the classroom.

Many countries around the world experience school violence, which has grave consequences. Violence or crime at school can affect not only the victims, but also the bystanders and the community surrounding the school (Bidwell 2014). Physical injury may be temporary, but mental injury will last for a longer period of time.

First, violence in schools can cause physical harm to the body over a period of days or even weeks. Violence can be inflicted by being kicked, slapped or even thrown on the floor. The situation doesn’t end instantly, but at least a few days after the thrashing. Weapons could kill them even at high levels. In the current situation, mental injuries are a direct victim of families who have lost loved ones.

School violence can also have a negative effect on mental health. Hawker (2000) calculates the effect size for each type of maladjustment, such as depression, loneliness and generalized or social anxiety. The results suggest that victimization and depression are most closely related. Anxiety is the least strongly linked. It was not clear whether victimization was more closely related to psychological or social maladaptation. These mental pains have a long-term effect. When victims are left alone, they become more pessimistic. The victim will exhibit some depression symptoms like lack of sleep or being unsociable. They will often commit suicide if they don’t deal with the problem.

Children could also stop attending school as a result of violence in schools. A new study, co-authored with a Duke scholar shows that children who are victims of violence have a higher chance of dropping out of school. The study found that girls who were victims of childhood violence had a 24 percent greater risk of quitting, and boys had a 26 percent greater risk. If they continue to attend school, however, they may lose focus and perform poorly in exams. The victims may be able to recover from physical injuries quickly, but they will have to suffer psychological damage for a long time. They show fear and worry when they first start school. The problem becomes more serious when the victim is depressed and lacks confidence. They avoid speaking, are anti-social, and feel worthless. They may even commit suicide if they have been under constant pressure.


  • karisford

    Karis Ford is an educational blogger and volunteer. She has been involved in school and community activism for over 10 years. She has taught herself elementary and middle school math, English, and social media marketing. In her spare time, she also enjoys reading, cooking, and spending time with her family.